
6 Ways Your Business Can Use Social Media

Does your business have an active presence on the main social media channels? If not, it’s time to make a change. When a brand uses social media correctly it builds brand awareness, increases web traffic, helps promote content, allows for customer interactions, humanizes your brand, and establishes thought leadership. 

Build Brand Awareness 

When you want to get your brand in front of eyes, social media is an excellent place to start. According to Statista, 420 billion people are active on social media as of Q1 2020. The people are there, so your brand needs to be too. As you build your presence, the number of people seeing your content for free will increase. 

Boost Website Traffic 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of leaning into an organic social media strategy, especially as a small or midsize business, is the increase of website traffic that comes from your posts and the platform. If you are posting high quality, relevant content at a regular cadence you are creating an entirely new traffic source for your website. Social media users aren’t online just to check up on their friends’ babies. According to GlobalWebIndex, 54% of social browsers use social media to research products and services before purchase.

Promote Content 

If you are creating great content but don’t know what to do with it, social media is the answer. A smart, well-written e-book can’t help your business increase lead numbers if no one knows about it. When you use your social channels to promote content that is truly representative of your business, you will see your content reach new people. 

Interact with Customers 

Did you know that 1 billion messages are exchanged between people and businesses every month on Facebook Messenger? This is just one way you can interact with customers online, and it’s very important. Most people would rather exchange messages with a company on a social platform  than make a call, so having a strong presence on Facebook as well as other social platforms is vital in terms of understanding your customers. In addition to monitoring direct messages, you should also take the time to respond to comments on your posts and to any posts where your handle is mentioned or tagged. 

Humanize Your Brand

Do you have the best and brightest people supporting your business? Show the world! Consumers will feel even more comfortable working with you knowing who’s working behind the scenes every day. Social media posts can highlight your leadership team or feature star contributors and their experience working for your brand, helping build brand trust with your audience. 

Establish Thought Leadership

Every business wants consumers to trust in their expertise and social media can be a great way to accomplish this, interacting and sharing relevant industry content with your audience. This helps you show that you are up on the latest and greatest. In addition to sharing industry content you can also share your own thought leadership content. If your brand is already creating case studies or blog posts those can be great pieces of content to share on social channels to continue to build a strong reputation for expertise. 

Before laying out a social media strategy for your brand, think about the goals you are trying to achieve. With goals in mind it will be much easier to determine the type and cadence of the content you want to share. Need some help figuring out your next steps in social? Reach out to our social media experts at Well-Oiled Marketing. 

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Non neque ut ipsum aliquet tristique. Morbi in magna sapien ristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque blandit, sapien vel faucibus accumsan ante dui ut tincidunt.
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Phasellus eget ligula a nulla aliquam luctus. Pellentesque tincidunt massa sodales ante auctor, sed placerat lorem tristique.

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